May 18, 2011

Our Clover Girl

Many memories of you are left behind and the joy of having you as part of our family will never be forgotten. Our grey hair, loving, smart, sassy Clover girl passed away Monday May 16th, 2011.

We got the call from my mom early Monday morning on our way to work. It was that call that makes your heart drop and the world stop around you. She was crying on her end which automatically made me cry, she starts to talk...those words still echo in my head. I didn't want to belive it but Ryan knew something was wrong. I just looked at him and started to cry even more. He pulled off the road and he waited for me to talk and it felt like hours were going by as I was telling him what my mom just told me. We turn around and headed back home. In the mean time I am calling my in laws to tell him about this. Ryan has had Clover for years and we all knew it would be very hard when this day came.

We sat by her side crying and holding her hoping that she would come back. She just laid there peacefully and that's when we knew it was time to say those words....Goodbye Clover Girl. We love you and always have you near our hearts.

We have a wonderful family and they all came over to support us and love us. Grandpa Dutch made a box to bury her in. Between Roger and Ryan they dug the whole in our back yard where the sun shines the most because if you know Clover  you know she loves the sun to beat on her. I couldn't stand there and watch them bury her so I was inside crying my eyes out and I promised myself that I would go out there later and tell her goodbye. I know she loved us as her parents and I am so lucky to have share some time with her. Akira, Dad and I will be missing you but we know your happy and we have to happy for you. So at this time I tell you Goodbye My Clover Girl Love you with all my heart.

February 14, 2011

Hard to say Goodbye

I couldn't believe it...When I saw the For Sale sign go up I was not happy or understanding on why my parents were selling their home. But finally afer 9 months of waiting they got an offer and took it. Now they are moving out this month. Not only is this good bye to my childhood home but it means that my parents are even closer on leaving to Mexico!

I didn't want to believe it, but I have always know that this day will come. But why so soon???? My parents have a house in Mexico and they want to go back home and enjoy some time with just them. Am I rude to ask them to stay? Please don't go mom and dad, I still need you! I guess I just have to take it the way it comes and understand that my parents need time together and they already given us the best, it's now time for my brothers and I to give back. I have my family and need to focus on that, but man would it be easier if my mom was down the street for support. I have been lucky enough to have some amazing family and friends to be around for support. I know that when I need a someone to listen I can call my mom but it won't be the same as just going over to her house.

I guess the clock start ticking now and once the alarm goes off I will start to cry! HAHA I wish it would go off in another 10 years but I know its just a wish. HAHA

February 2, 2011


I met my Abuelito (grandpa) when I was 20 year old. Well he was a big part of my life when I was little and live in his house. Then my family moved to the U.S. and he stayed behind, as he says "The last time I saw were wearing a diaper!".

We went back to Mexico after 18 years of not being home. I could not remember anyone in the family other than one person....My godfather it was like this lost love with him. I have so many memories of him. Then I see this little man walking down the driveway looking our way. At this time a lot of the family was outside greeting us, so he comes down and couldn't remember who his daughter (my mom) was. So he just stood by and listen to us cry, hug, cry and telling each other how much we have missed each other. Then my godparents take us inside their house everyone but my mom and grandpa go inside. After 20 minutes they came inside the house and I am sitting right by the door, so he stop and hugs me....Telling me that he loves me and couldn't remember who I was at first since the last time he saw me I was wearing a diaper! :) But after talking to my mom he knew who I was and couldn't believe that we were actually there. I started to cry again because it really touch my heart to actually know what it feels like to be hugged by a grandpa. To be told that you're loved by a grandpa. I didn't grow up with grandparents a lot of my very good friends had them and would tell me stories about them while I just wished upon a start to meet my grandpa one day. I will always remember that day that I met him and how it was so nice to actually hold him in my arms. I made a promise to him that I would come out to visit him every year since then. Well I already broke that promise because I got married HA I got married last year and couldn't make it out there. But I will make sure I make it out there this year.

I have heard many stories about my grandpa and I was so excited to meet him so when it actually happen it was like I had never left him before. He just kept holding me and telling me that I was just like my mom and he loved me. I am looking forward to what this year will bring because I really want to see him again. I LOVE YOU ABUELITO!!!

January 9, 2011

We love Christmas

So we went out on Black Friday and got a good deal on our very first Christmas tree. We were so excited to come home and set it up. We bought a few things for the tree and decided that next year we would buy more. I wanted to go with a Disney theme on the tree but it will have to wait for next year. We are so proud of our little tree. :)

We had my family over on Christmas Eve. My mom cooked half of the dinner and we cooked the other half so there was A LOT of food. We decided to take a picture infront of our tree with our little girls. This is our family and we love it, while some of our friends talk about their kids we talk about our puppies. This was a big year for Ryan and I as this was our first home, first Christmas as a married couple and of course host our first Christmas! I couldn't be happier for all the hard work Ryan does to keep a roof over our head and putting us first! Love you babe!!!!!! :)

I made Ryan take a picture before he went back into the kitchen. He loves to help cook or just cook. :)
We had my parents sleep over at our house this year so we could spend all the time we could together and it as so much fun. Steve brought his girlfriend Lexi over and I hope she wasn't scared away because of all of us. :) Thank you to my family for making this year another amazing year. We look forward to next year and everything it has to offer!

January 8, 2011

Our First Disney Trip

We made it out to Disneyland back in October and it was so much fun! I swear that it brings out the little girl in me....wait I am always a little girl! We just had a great time. We went with Nike, Kirby, Jessica, Kristopher (the birthday boy), Debbie, Russ and Jenny! It was a big group and we didn't see do a lot together but the time we did spend together was awesome.

I dont have a picture of all of at together...sorry.
Here is Kirby sandwich...You know he loves us!! :)
Give me an R...
Kirby and Ryan have a blast! Can you tell?! :)

Nike and I have A LOT OF FUN!!!
Waiting to go back to the happiest place on earth!
I wanted to take pictures least that was the plan and then I forgot to bring out my camera. So enjoy the once I do have. :)

Visiting My Familia in Mexico

So about two years about my parents planned a trip to Mexico. At this time Ryan and I were still dating and I thought it would be a great trip for us to go on. So we take two weeks off work and leave on the next flight out of Utah to Mexico. This was Ryan's first time out there so he was very excited. My cousin Antonio took my parents took the capital (this is were we flew in to) to pick us up. On our way back to my parents house we decided to stop and eat breakfast. Our first Mexican breakfast...YUMMY.

Here's a picture with my mom. She was very excited to have us there everyone but Ryan and I were there so family vacation had kick off. :)

We planned the trip around my other cousin Rubi's Sweet 15. This was here on the way to the church. It was a lot of fun watching her get ready for the day she of course looks beautiful in here dress.

This is the same church that my mom and all her sister did their Sweet 15 at. I love the outside of the church so pretty.

Then the party begins!! It was actually all done in my parents backyard...

This is George Ryan was so sad to eat him......But he was yummy. :)

We had a great trip, my family loved Ryan and told him that he was always welcomed back to their house. My grandpa did tell him that if he ever found out that Ryan was mean to me that dead or alive he would kick his butt! He said it in spanish so Ryan just shook his head yes and walked away!! Little does Ryan know what he got himself into. HA HA

Home Sweet Home

Last year Ryan and I decided to sell his first condo and start our lives together in a new home! Well it didn't take us long to sell our condo, actually a nice lady bought it about a month after we put it up on the market. :) Thank you lady for taking that place off our hands. :)

So Ryan and I moved in with his mom while we found a place of our own. We lived there for about 5 months. The hardest part was the commute to work, since we were all the way out in Magna and we both work in Bluffdale it took us about 45 minutes to get to work. Sucky for us during the winter because that would take longer! But thank you to his mom for letting us stay with her for awhile.

So we starting looking for a place to call home. If we had the day off work we were out looking at houses. If we weren't hanging out with family and friends we were looking at houses! Our poor realitor took us to see....this is no joke when I say this....76 houses! Yes that's right 76 houses!!! This was the one we fell in love with, the one we could picture ourselves in. The one we could picture our pictures on the wall in. It was just PERFECT!!!!! We put the offer on it and about a month later we got the keys to our house. Ryan took the day off work to start the cleaning and allow us to move in that night. We were lucky because we closed on a Thursday and then Friday we got keys to the house. Which means that Ryan and I went to pick up our bed and clothes for the night and slept in our very first home for the first night. We are so happy in our little place we love it very much and are slowing working on fixing things up.