May 18, 2011

Our Clover Girl

Many memories of you are left behind and the joy of having you as part of our family will never be forgotten. Our grey hair, loving, smart, sassy Clover girl passed away Monday May 16th, 2011.

We got the call from my mom early Monday morning on our way to work. It was that call that makes your heart drop and the world stop around you. She was crying on her end which automatically made me cry, she starts to talk...those words still echo in my head. I didn't want to belive it but Ryan knew something was wrong. I just looked at him and started to cry even more. He pulled off the road and he waited for me to talk and it felt like hours were going by as I was telling him what my mom just told me. We turn around and headed back home. In the mean time I am calling my in laws to tell him about this. Ryan has had Clover for years and we all knew it would be very hard when this day came.

We sat by her side crying and holding her hoping that she would come back. She just laid there peacefully and that's when we knew it was time to say those words....Goodbye Clover Girl. We love you and always have you near our hearts.

We have a wonderful family and they all came over to support us and love us. Grandpa Dutch made a box to bury her in. Between Roger and Ryan they dug the whole in our back yard where the sun shines the most because if you know Clover  you know she loves the sun to beat on her. I couldn't stand there and watch them bury her so I was inside crying my eyes out and I promised myself that I would go out there later and tell her goodbye. I know she loved us as her parents and I am so lucky to have share some time with her. Akira, Dad and I will be missing you but we know your happy and we have to happy for you. So at this time I tell you Goodbye My Clover Girl Love you with all my heart.